Your Puppy and Hygiene
Summary: Hygiene is essential to your puppy’s physical and psychological well being. This article gives tips and tricks on how to keep your puppy clean and disease free.
As with humans, hygiene is an important aspect of your puppy’s health. Grooming and cleaning is important for your puppy’s appearance and to keep him disease free. It also contributes to his overall well-being, both physical and psychological.
Cleanliness allows us to bond with our pets, which aids us in maintaining good health. Research has proven that petting our pets can help to reduce high blood pressure and give us a more cheerful outlook on life.
Pet hygiene is complicated at times. It’s more than brushing your puppy on a daily basis. In fact, it is caring for him from the point of his cute little nose to the tip of his tail. Hygiene is an important aspect of your puppy’s life and it’s up to you, his owner, to assure that he is well taken care of.
When you brush your puppy, use a wide toothed comb and brush from head to tail. Keep you eyes open for signs of fleas, ticks, growths and mats. A wide toothed comb will minimize hair pulling and your puppy will learn to love the time that you spend tending to his coat. Follow the wide toothed comb with a wire brush that’s manufactured for dog grooming. These can be purchased at most pet supply stores.
Mats may be able to be removed by separating them from the other fur and gently splitting them to make them smaller. Then, hold the fur close to the skin and gently pull the hair through the teeth of the wide toothed comb. Never cut out mats in case of cutting into your puppy’s skin.
If you are concerned that your puppy might get fleas, purchase a flea comb. These help you to loosen fleas and flea dirt from your puppy’s skin and let you know if your puppy does indeed have fleas. If he does, pick as many fleas off as possible, killing them. Then, use flea powder daily to control infestation. You might want to take your puppy to the vet for a professional flea treatment, or purchase one that can be used at home.
Be sure to examine your puppy’s teeth on a regular basis. There should be no tartar build up, and the gums should be a healthy pink. You should brush your puppy’s teeth on a daily basis, just as you would your own. Ask your vet to recommend a canine tooth paste. Your toothpaste can upset your puppy’s stomach.
Shampooing your puppy’s coat and giving him regular baths will keep him in good spirits. Dirt can cause itching and inflammation of skin. Be careful not to get soap into your puppy’s eyes. It can cause irritation. Never use your shampoo to bathe your dog. It can cause your puppy’s skin to be dry, which will cause inflammation and scratching, as well as make the fur of his coat dry. Ask your vet to recommend a puppy shampoo.
Puppy’s ears should be cleaned when needed. This is part of canine hygiene. Excessive or daily cleaning is not needed or recommended. Examine your puppy’s ears regularly and if there is excessive hair or wax build up, add a bit of mineral oil, wrap a soft cloth around your finger and clean the ear. Never use cotton swabs to clean your puppy’s ears. It is easy for your puppy to wiggle or squirm, which will end in your damaging his ear drum.
If your puppy gets burrs in his coat, get him to lie down, and using a wide toothed comb, hold the hair next to the skin and gently pull the comb upward to remove. Tar and engine oil can be removed by soaking the hair or paw in mineral oil and soaking it up with a paper towel or a clean rag. If puppy gets chewing gum in his fur, hold a piece of ice on it to freeze it and then break it out. Never cut your puppy’s fur to remove anything that it has in it.
If you follow the tips in this article, your puppy and you will form a strong bond. Bath and grooming time will be a time you both look forward to. Always talk to your puppy in a calm, soothing voice when you are performing his bath and grooming needs. This gives him a secure feeling.
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